CAUTION: For what your about to read may be inappropriate for children underage and for those who are having a good day. If you don't want your day ruined, stop here and exit the page now. If your curiosity is peaked, keep reading.
No sleep again. Maybe I also need to write the sleep fairy a love letter. My stomach has calmed down slightly since I stopped eating the questionable food and modified my eating habits. Amidst being sleep deprived, practice was great. There is an energy in the shala that is indescribable and there are no words to describe it.
Today was the first day that I walked into my little town area by myself. I had errands to run and was tired of depending on someone to get them done. I had to put a deposit down for the new place that I will be moving into when my friend arrives. The mansion, as it's called, is setup like an apartment and houses many of the yoga students. I'm excited to have my own space and have my own bathroom. I have my own bathroom now, but I have to walk to Bangladesh to get to it. There will be no maid service at the new place, but I think I can manage cleaning up after myself. There a few cool things about moving into this place: J #1 lives upstairs, the first time I looked at the apartment I saw monkeys on the neighbors property (far enough for me to like them), and the owner's driver is giving me new music I can listen to. Perks all around. On my way there, I was looking around the neighborhood and the thought crossed my mind about possibly moving here. Nothing to get your panties in a bunch over. Just a thought. I often lose my train of thought and I'm sure this particular thought would be forgotten by tomorrow.
Last night I had dinner with J #2 and one of her friends as a farewell for J's departure later that evening. During the course of dinner we were discussing the division among some of the yoga students here. There are several teachers that teach the practice and there is somewhat a pettiness of my teacher is better than your teacher kind of a thing. For me being new to the practice and never been here before, it's a little disconcerting. I'm too old to be involved in this type of behavior and these are adults participating in this kind of crap. Being here to study is a blessing and an honor. There are people from all over the world that want to be here, but don't have the time or the means. Living here is like living in a small village with the population of 50 and I guess drama is to be expected. The thing that irks me the most about this whole thing is the disrespect towards my teacher. We are all students and I would think that the purpose is to learn. Otherwise, why be here.
Since everyone is entitled to their opinion, here's mine..... Some people just need to shut their trap and shut the f*ck up. That's all! No one's asked me yet, so until then I'll say it to the universe. I don't like to use profanity, but this situation is deserving of it.
I swear on sweet baby jesus that no one pooped in my porridge this morning.
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