Saturday, August 29, 2009

My First Ayurvedic Massage

**If Rainbow were here she would of been laughing at me… Yep, definitely cracking up…**
My first Ayurvedic massage experience is a bit of a shock. I was ganged massaged and feel slightly violated and good at the same time. Unlike many massages I’ve had before I had to completely strip in front of these two women that gave me the treatment. A piece of twine was then tied around my waist with a paper cloth inbetween my legs. It gets better..
The first part of the treatment I had to sit on this stool as one of the ladies poured oil and rubbed my head. That wouldn’t have been so bad except for the fact that I was naked and while the lady worked the other one was just watching. Anyone who knows me can tell you that I’m a bit of a freak and I don’t deny it. Even my 7-year-old nephew says so. The next part of the massage I was able to move to the table lying face up. Got more oil rubbed on me and kept counting the minutes when I would be able to turn over. Not sure how an Ayurvedic massage is conducted in the United States, but for some reason I don’t think it is the same here. My chest and stomach were included in the massage and living with someone that was a masseuse I know that is somewhat forbidden territory. Well at least the chest part. When I say chest, I mean everything. Not just my pectoral muscles. I mean the WHOLE chest area, center included. The massage was a relaxation massage and with all the touching going on I don’t know how that was possible. Several times the masseuse kept reminding me to relax and in my head I kept trying to go into my happy place. My eyes were closed, but I couldn’t help but laugh to myself. I didn’t sign up for this “special” treatment. I just wanted to have my shoulders and neck worked on. The moment finally came when I was able to turn over and that wasn’t any better as far as my comfort level went. My butt got a lot of love and attention and slapped a few times here and there. While one lady was working my neck, the other one was digging into my calf. After the massage I went into a steam box and in there I was able to really relax.  When I got out of the steam box both of the ladies were waiting to wipe me down.  As I was standing there getting my wipe down one of them began to ask me about Michael Jackson.  I was polite and tried to answer her questions as best as I could, but at that point I just wanted to put my clothes back on.  
Overall the massage was great. My neck doesn’t hurt as bad and my shoulders have loosened up a bit. The doctor suggested that I sign up for a 7-21 day treatment that includes herbs, detox, etc. I’m highly considering the treatment and with time maybe I can get over some of the insecurities I have. It is India and everyone kept telling me that it would be a life changing experience. Ha!


  1. Hey... you got your breast exam for the month out of the way.. :-D

  2. Ayurvedic massage is certainly a detoxification process for the body especially if Panchkarma is followed to its true spirit. It works wonders for the body and mind.
