Thursday, September 3, 2009

Shelby's Cousin Wally

Another rainy day here in Mysore.  Today is definitely one of those days that I want to stay underneath the covers.  Practice was a LED class today and would of been great except for the fact that I didn't go.  I had to be in the shala on my mat by 4:30 and my body wasn't interested in participating today.  I set my alarm at 4 and subconsciously turned it off.  Mind you my alarm are my two phones and my iPhone is set in increments of 10 minutes from 4:00 to 4:30.  Usually that would be enough to get me out of bed, but this morning I was exhausted (notice I didn't say "tired") and with the stomach ailments I have been going through, it was best to stay in bed.  This is something that I am not proud of and have spent the whole morning feeling guilty about.  It's the recovering Catholic in me and simply the type of person that I am.  When I finally got out of bed, my head was pounding.  I swear I'm not a hypochondriac and have real symptoms.  I will call the doctor tomorrow and make an appointment. 

Since I ditched yoga this morning, the least I could do was attend my Sanskrit class.  Today my Sanskrit lesson was to break words down and write it in Sanskrit.  Learning this language is a struggle for me.  I appreciate my teacher's patience and willingness to keep trying.  Don't think I've mentioned him before.  He is truly a fascinating guy.  He is a scholar and Brahmin that performs puja's at the shala every morning.  Today he invited me to his hometown for a holy festival in mid September.  He said that I can invite anyone with the exception of them being open minded.  He said that his parents are very traditional, but open minded to westerners.  I felt very honored to be invited to his home to celebrate with him and his family..

footnote about the title:
"Shelby" was a growth on the side of my left rib that I had removed last October.  At the time I was living alone and going through the motions of my breakup.  Shelby was my Wilson the Volleyball.  

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